您现在的位置:轮滑网 > 赛事日历 > 赛事日历 > 双排轮滑球国际裁判和教练员培训班拟定于2021年1月22日举行(日期待定)
Dear Rink Hockey friends
I inform you that the Courses for Rink Hockey Referees and Rink Hockey Coaches, organized by our International Rink Hockey Technical Commission and World Skate Academy to the Asia and Oceania Continents, are going to start, on January 22, 2021 (date still to be confirmed).
Firstly, we will start with the Courses for Rink Hockey Referees, Level 1, with 30-35 Hours Online, with an estimated cost of USD250/participant, conducted in English. The inscriptions must be made through the National Federation. All National Referees can attend the Course (and i also recommend that the current International Referees in Asia - Mr. Goto from Japan, Mr. Anand from India and Mr. Ming from Chinese Taipei - attend the Course), in order to obtain/confirm the status of International Referee, after the practical component, to be done at the next Asia-Oceania Championships.
Until now, i have official requests for International Referees from Japan, Macau and Australia (still waiting the official request), but hoping to have more, until the Course starts.
Shortly after, we will initiate the Courses for Rink Hockey Coaches, Level 1.
Official information will be sent, soon, to all National Federations.
I hope to have a lot of inscriptions in Asia and Oceania, so i urge you to spread this information to all Rink Hockey people in your Countries.
Best regards and please stay safe.

Antonio A. Silva Aguiar
Member/International Rink Hockey Technical Commission


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